About Jessica Beaty

Prenatal + Postpartum Doula

200 hr yoga training | 85 hr prenatal yoga training
Holistic Nutrition Coach

Hi! I’m Jessica, founder of Roots Wellness.

My wellness journey started soon after my first year of college. I returned home for the summer with a lot more (weight and discomfort) than I left with. I suffered from digestive issues and my skin had a mind of its own. I was sluggish and did not prioritize any part of my own wellness.

I walked into my first yoga class as a teenager and could not understand how this was supposed to enhance my life in any way. It was over the course of the next 5 years that I began to appreciate the teachings of yoga and the way my body felt after practice. Nevertheless, I found myself coming back to my practice at times of extreme stress, anxiety, and uncertainty in life. As I slowed down and became more intentional with my health and wellness, I began to slowly change the way I nourished my body. I began incorporating new foods and food preparation styles and noticed an additive effect to my movement practice.

As I entered new phases of life, friends and family shared news of their pregnancies and often asked for ways to incorporate yoga into their pregnancy journey. I was always excited to share the practice that had supported me along the way. The more I shared, the more I learned about the birthing person’s journey. I sought ways to support and incorporate yoga with those on this remarkable journey. This ultimately led me to my doula training. I am trained as a prenatal and postnatal doula through Latham Thomas’ renowned Mama Glow program.

I enjoy sharing my life lessons with others and am very conscious about making dietary habits that help support a life of ease and clarity.

I am a passionate and emotional being that thrives on seeing others happy and helping to infuse a sense of ease to life in everyday situations.

I believe that wellness is an individualized journey. My approach is rooted in movement and mindfulness.

 I welcome the opportunity to partner

with brands that support the values of Roots Wellness and are open to sharing the beauty of birth and self-care.

Programs for everyone. 

Roots offers programs of a wide range to serve individuals who are looking for support along their journey. Discover our coaching options and meet with Jessica to find the one fit for you.